Helping apartment communities attract and retain residents and generate additional revenue through coworking, convening, and coffee.

We help apartment developers and managers build authentic communities that attract and retain residents and generate additional revenue by building an ecosystem into their community that consists of coworking, coffee, and convening.

Whether it’s through our coworking space, coffee shops, or programs, our primary objective is to help people take small steps toward living lives of meaning, impact, and community. We know that when people experience meaning, impact, and community., they refuse to merely exist. Instead, they pursue a life of meaning and purpose, fulfillment and joy. They see that the world is not yet as it ought to be. Neither is their city, neighborhood, or community. They reject apathy and despair and press through narcissism, isolation, and self-sufficiency by seeking out, living in, and engaging authentic communities.

Coworking, coffee, and convening are great as separate experiences, but the real power is unleashed when they are combined. The result is an ecosystem that when housed in one space, allows apartment developers and managers to create authentic and vibrant communities that attract and retain tenants, while also generating additional revenue and serving as a strong first (home), second (work) and third place (where people time is spent between home and work) for the city where it exists.

How We Move People Towards Meaning, Impact, & Community


The coffee industry is dominated by big companies making bigger profits on the backs of humble pickers. We believe in increasing the quality of life for everyone. As a result, we take the time to build relationships with our growers and buy coffee from them as directly as possible. In return, we ask our customers to name their own price when paying for their coffee, which offers them an opportunity to own their place in the supply chain. Rather than merely buy something, they stand with us and take a very small step that supports our growers, their families and communities.

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Creativity, innovation, and growth are suffocated by isolation. We believe that the lives and work of individuals and companies get better when they come alongside one another. Members of our coworking space are curated to represent individuals and companies that share our conviction about the power of community. By doing this, we cultivate an integrated network of people who share values that will allow them and others to thrive.


We believe that cities and industry ecosystems become better when people have places to freely share ideas and exchange knowledge. As a result, we collaborate with conveners in the areas of education, art, journalism, civic engagement, and creative services. By doing this, we provide opportunities for people to connect with others who share similar passions and participate in the advancement of ideas that could significantly impact their community, neighborhood, and city.

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Bringing components together

We create a thriving ecosystem by inserting coffee, coworking, and convening into the base of an apartment building located in an urban setting.

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Providing An Easy First Step

Then we leverage peoples need to find a place to work or live, engage community causes, or craving for a good cup of coffee to create the first step towards meaning, impact, and community.

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Connecting people to Secondary experiences

Once people have engaged a component of our ecosystem, we let serendipity take over, while simultaneously creating opportunities for them to experience other components of our ecosystem.

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Increasing Quality Of Life

We’ve learned that if people pursue a life of meaning impact and community, they’ll like their life better. Therefore, Third Place is designed to help them take steps towards meaning, impact, and community and for the apartment complex to be at the center of it.

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