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A Place To Work And Experience Community

You're searching for a place to work. A place that allows your home to become home again. A place where you can experience quietness, take a conference call without disruption, or dream by the window. A place where you're surrounded by creatives, entrepreneurs, coffee roasters, small-business owners, corporate managers, music band managers, and nonprofit leaders. A place where people celebrate your wins and are eager to help you with your needs. A place where your life and work can thrive through meaning, impact, and community.

Relationship-Centric Coworking

The Conduit, founded by Ben Hoyer and Kyle Steele, is an interdisciplinary coworking society made up of individuals who believe that their work and lives get better when they come alongside each other. Headquartered in Downtown Orlando, FL at SunGate Studios, the Conduit offers flexible office and desk membership plans to people and companies from all industries and sectors who genuinely believe in the power of relationship and community. Therefore, our members are carefully curated, and membership to our coworking community is by invitation only.

To receive your invitation, complete our membership application (below) and schedule a Partner Chat. For our team, seeing you as a person and not a transaction is important to us. Therefore, our membership process is designed to align with our Community Commitment and allow us to get to know one another. Once your Partner Chat is complete, we honor your time by automatically extending you an invitation.

Member Benefits

  • Located In The Ivanhoe District In Downtown Orlando

  • Private & Free Parking Lot

  • Month-to-Month Memberships & No Contracts

  • High-Speed Internet

  • Private Conference & Meeting Rooms

  • Photography Studio

  • Free Coffee, Snacks, and Member’s Lunch.

Membership Levels

One-Day Access Pass

Part-Time Shared Desk

Full-Time Shared Desk

Dedicated Desk

Tiny House Office

Cottage Office

Deluxe Tiny House Office

Anchor Office

Schedule Tour

Credo Conduit Coworking Space Tours

Tours provide a great opportunity for you to experience our space and members.

Complete Membership Application


Once your application is received, we'll schedule a chat between you and one of our Managing Partners. Chats are designed to provide an opportunity for us to learn about each other.

The History Behind Our Quirky Space

People who experience our community for the first time always wonder how the Tiny Houses and the murals of the cats, dogs, pigs, and other animals got here. Here's a video that explains the origin of these quirky things.


Conversations About Us